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DBR - Dragon Ball Reborn
Welcome to Dragon Ball Reborn, the coolest new Dragonball text Rpg! Our admins will take the time to make your stay here nothing but extraordinary, enjoy your time here! Register right away.

Current date/time is Fri Sep 20, 2024 4:48 pm

The Afterlife/Other World

  • The Afterlife/Other World

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  • The Check-In Station

    The Check-In Station is a gateway between the physical plane of existence and the Other World. It serves as both King Yemma's palace and his office, where he passes judgement over dead souls, sending the good ones to Heaven and the bad ones to Hell. After a player has died, he/she will post here and wait for judgement. Characters of neutral and good alignment get to Heaven, evil ones to Hell.
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  • Heaven

    Heaven is a gigantic planet in the Other World, covered with flowers and plants. It has a strange glow around it. With a quick glance, it looks just like Earth. If you have positive alignment upon death, you'll be spending most of your afterlife here with the rest of the good guys. If you get negative alignment points on purpose you'll be transported to Hell.
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  • Hell

    Hell is a place in the Other World where evil characters go after they die. The Hell of the Dragon Ball universe is apparently a mountainous area located beneath Snake Way. Its most distinguishing feature of those shown is "Bloody Pond" which, true to its name, is apparently composed of blood. If you are evil you will be sent here to spend your afterlife.
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  • North Kai's Planet

    This planet is home to North Kai (King Kai), ruler of the North Galaxy. It is also home to King Kai's pets, Bubbles and Gregory. Even though the planet is relatively small, it has gravity that is 10 times that of Earth's, allowing for more intense training.
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  • East Kai's Planet

    The home of East Kai, ruler of the eastern galaxy. Like the other kai planets, it is very small, but has 10 times normal gravity. Her training focuses on speed rather than strength.
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  • South Kai's Planet

    The home of South Kai, ruler of the southern galaxy. His fighters are trained in a defensive manner, you may want to seek his teachings.
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  • West Kai's Planet

    West Kai's home planet. He has trained powerful fighters such as Pikkon, Tapkar and Maraikoh. West Kai is Nort Kai's rival, but both offer similar training.
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  • Grand Kai's Planet

    This planet is the home of the Grand Kai. Grand Kai oversees the four Kais, North Kai, West Kai, South Kai and East Kai, who rule over the four quadrants of the universe. Many great heroes can be found here.
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